6 days and 5 nights, riding 150 km on a camel trough sand dunes and small villages. Sleeping under the sky with full moon and million of twinkling stars. It was one of the best things we've done in India so far.

We had one camel each and another camel with a wagon with all camping gear.We traveled with one guide who told us all about the life in the Thar Desert and three camel guys who took care of the camels and cooked awesome Indian food for us. It kinda made us feel uncomfortable sometimes when they insisted of doing everything for us like they were our slaves, but what can you do, that was the way they wanted it.

It was pretty easy riding the camel, little bit bumpy of course but you almost get into a trance sitting there bumping up and down listening to the silence of the desert, deep into your thoughts. But for some reason whenever you step down from the camel you can't remember what you've been thinking of for the last 4 hours. And your arse gets pretty sore.

My camel was a fussy female, she growled a lot especially when I climbed up on her, she tried to toss me off one time and she puked on her owner, yeah! Rock'n'Roll! Mallis camel was a bigger male and little bit calmer than mine but very, very munchy, trying to eat everything he could reach even my hair once.

The desert isn't only sand dunes and nothing else. It's more small farming villages growing peanuts and watermelon and with cows and goats. And at this point it was right after the monsoon sesaon which made it pretty green. But on the other hand we saw so much wildlife because of this. Deers, lizards, eagles and desert foxes (the cutest things ever!). So it made it a lot more interesting I must say.

Sleeping under the stars in the desert was absolutely wonderful. The bright moon made it a lot harder to see all the stars of course but if you wake up when the moon is about to go down and the sun to go up you'll see the most amazing star sky.
What can I say? It was just so much fun and an extraordinary experience.
Location:Thar Desert, Rajastan
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